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Interviews and Essays, 1993-1998
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Murray Bookchin

Cijena: 18,00 € | 135,62 kn

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Murray Bookchin was a dynamic revolutionary propagandist since the 1930s when, as a teenager, he spoke before socialist crowds in New York City and engaged in support work for those fighting Franco in the Spanish Civil War. This volume presents a series of exciting and engaged interviews with, and essays from, the founder of social ecology. This expansive collection ranges over, amongst others, Bookchin's account of his teenage years as a young Communist during the Great Depression; his experiences of the 1960s and reflections on that decade's lessons; his vision of a libertarian communist society; libertarian politics; the future of anarchism; and the unity of theory and practice. He goes on to assess the crisis of radicalism and defends the need for a revolutionary Left. Finally he states what is to be valued in both anarchism and Marxism in building such a Left, and offers guidelines for forming a new revolutionary social movement.

izdanje: AK Press, Edinburgh/Chico, 1999

uvez: meki

stanje: nova knjiga

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