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A complete collection
Large anarchycomics

Jay Kinney

Cijena: 21,00 € | 158,22 kn

Ubaci u košaricu

Reprint of the 4 issues of this underground comic that came out between 1978 and 1986 - long out of print, this is your chance to read this mixture of anarchist politics with a punk sensibility.  Includes previously unpublished work by Jay Kinney and Sharon Rudahl along with a detailed introduction by Kinney which traces the history of the comic he founded and provides entertaining anecdotes about the process of herding and international crowd of anarchist cats.

Izdavač: PM Press, Oakland, 2013

Uvez: meki

Stanje: nova knjiga

Što čitaš?
Frankopanska 22
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pon-pet 10:00 - 20:00
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