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Navigating Feminism, Gender, and Boundaries Towards Loving Relationships
Large consensuality

Helen Wildfell

Cijena: 9,00 € | 67,81 kn

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"Human relationships contain infinite possibilities, but the fairytale ideal of companionship does not exist for most people. In Consensuality​, Helen Wildfell and her co-adventurers detail the process for creating healthy, successful relationships and avoiding common pitfalls. The authors explore gender identity, sexual boundaries, power struggles, and emotional dysfunction. They offer their experiences in overcoming regret and resentment. They share their tales of finding self empowerment and provide hard-won communication tips for building healthy partnerships. filled with personal descriptions of the complex layers in human interaction, Consensuality's stories and illustrations combine gender studies with memoir to truly make the personal political."

Izdavač: Microcosm, Portland, 2015

Uvez: meki

Stanje: nova knjiga

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Frankopanska 22
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