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A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence
Large creativeinterventions

Creative Interventions

Cijena: 40,00 € | 301,38 kn

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The primary resource on community accountability and transformative justice.

The Creative Interventions Toolkit is a practical guide to community-based interventions against interpersonal violence, a process also known as community accountability or transformative justice. Originally an online resource, it is written for everyday people—survivors, people who caused harm, and friends/family who want to help without turning to the police or government. This toolkit provides basic information about interpersonal violence; advice for survivors of violence and people who have caused harm; guides for people who want to help; a framework to confront and transform violence; and stories from people who have used community-based interventions.

The Creative Interventions Toolkit provides:

  • Basic information on the dynamics of interpersonal violence
  • Special sections for survivors of violence and people who have caused harm
  • Guides for facilitators, friends, and family
  • A basic model or framework to confront and transform violence
  • Lots of tools for safety, accountability, and coordination
  • Stories from everyday people who have used community-based interventions

Readers will gain knowledge and specific strategies to break isolation and create solutions that can be adapted to many different situations and communities.



Izdavač: AK Press, Edinburgh, 2012

Uvez: meki

Stanje: nova knjiga

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Frankopanska 22
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