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Ovdje možete pregledati i naručiti sva izdanja Što čitaš? i izdanja drugih izdavačkih kuća, te majice, bedževe... Sve što se nalazi u webshopu možete pronaći i u našoj knjižari u Zagrebu na adresi Frankopanska 22. Za druge gradove i države narudžbe primamo putem interneta, a prije naručivanja pogledajte uvjete i načine dostave.


Feminist resistance to male violence
Large fight

Frederique Delacoste, Felice Newman (ed)

Cijena: 9,29 € | 70,00 kn

Trenutno nije dostupno

Izdavač: Cleis Press, Minneapolis

Godina izdanja: 1981.

Stanje knjige: vrlo dobro

FIGHT BACK! is a resource for all of us who struggle with violence in our lives. In it are stories of personal survival, articles on the shelter and rape crisis movements, strategies for defending women who kill their attackers, survival tactics, documentation of law-challenging actions women have taken against pornography, rape, battering and sexual harassment across the country.

FIGHT BACK! includes a comprenhensive directory of rape crisis centre, shelters for battered women, support services for incest victims, legal resources, karate and self-defense schools and instructors, newsletters, political and resource organizations. This book is a tool for active resistance to patriarchal violence.

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Frankopanska 22
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pon-pet 10:00 - 20:00
subotom 10:00 - 14:00