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Journeys in the New Colonialism
Large land grabbing

Stefano Liberti

Cijena: 18,00 € | 135,62 kn

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A shocking exposé of how modern-day corporations and governments are raiding the Third World

To the governments and corporations that are currently buying up vast tracts of the Third World, it is called “land leasing.” To its critics this new era of colonization is nothing more than “land grabbing.” In this arresting account of how millions of hectares of fertile soil are being stolen to feed the wealthy thousands of miles away, journalist Stefano Liberti takes us from a Dutch-owned model farm in Ethiopia to an international conference in Riyadh, where representatives of Third World governments compete to attract the interest of Saudi investors; from institutional and commercial meetings in Rome to the headquarters of the Landless Workers’ Movement in São Paulo.

izdavač: Verso, London, 2013

uvez: tvrdi s ovitkom

stanje: nova knjiga

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Frankopanska 22
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