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Ovdje možete pregledati i naručiti sva izdanja Što čitaš? i izdanja drugih izdavačkih kuća, te majice, bedževe... Sve što se nalazi u webshopu možete pronaći i u našoj knjižari u Zagrebu na adresi Frankopanska 22. Za druge gradove i države narudžbe primamo putem interneta, a prije naručivanja pogledajte uvjete i načine dostave.
Detailed and scholarly study of the development of nationalism and the changes in human cultures from the dawn of history to the present day and an analysis of the relations of these to one another. It tells the story of the growth of the State and the other institutions of authority and their influence on life and manners, on architecture and art, on literature and thought.
Izdavač: Black Rose Books, Montreal, 2017
Uvez: meki
Stanje: nova knjiga