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David Ransom and Vanessa Baird (ed)

Cijena: 12,00 € | 90,41 kn

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People First Economics takes a long, hard look at the mess globalized capitalism is in, and shifts the focus back to where it belongs – putting the needs of people and the environment first.

Vanessa Baird and David Ransom have gathered a passionate group of writers, activists, leaders and thinkers to seize this opportunity to replace deep-rooted problems with well-founded solutions.

People First Economics buzzes with inspiration and action. Evo Morales promotes his 10 step programme to save the world, life and humanity; Michel Albert advocates a classless alternative to capitalism; Naomi Klein encourages public revolt…. It also includes a chapter by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, authors of the bestselling and influential The Spirit Level.

This book is about more than economics. It's about radical changes that are social, moral and ecological, and it provides the opportunity to rethink what really matters in life.

David Ransom and Vanessa Baird bring together exciting and radical activists and thinkers, such as Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, Walden Bello and Susan George, to set the agenda for 'economic democratization’. People First Economics covers everything from the green revolution and feminist economics to what we can learn from history and a 10-step economic detox. In doing so it provides the opportunity to rethink what really matters in life.

Izdavač: New Internationalist, Oxford, 2012

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