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Large ego and his own


Max Stirner

Cijena: 9,95 € | 74,97 kn

Ubaci u košaricu

Described as the most radical book ever, The Ego And Its Own challenges thousands of years of religious, philosophical, and political depreciation of the individual. Criticizing all doctrines and beliefs that demand the interests of the individual be subordinated to those of God, State, humanity, society, or some other fiction, Stirner declared war on all creeds that threatened individuality. A classic, from one of the founding fathers of anarchist thought, and a passionate defense of the individual against all forms of authority.

Izdavač: Što čitaš?, Zagreb

Godina izdanja: 2022.

Uvez: meki, ručno uvezana, numerirano

Stanje: nova knjiga


Što čitaš?
Frankopanska 22
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