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Ovdje možete pregledati i naručiti sva izdanja Što čitaš? i izdanja drugih izdavačkih kuća, te majice, bedževe... Sve što se nalazi u webshopu možete pronaći i u našoj knjižari u Zagrebu na adresi Frankopanska 22. Za druge gradove i države narudžbe primamo putem interneta, a prije naručivanja pogledajte uvjete i načine dostave.
One lonely abused schoolgirl 'OCCUPIES' herself.. and sets off an explosive social and economic Revolution..
.The State is going bottoms up, the Climate is going crazy,
......we’re living the collapse of capitalism, blow by blow,
...............................with a rainbow.
..............Linda changes her name to Maxie
.....She and her new friends get free of their traumas,
..and get into dealing death blows, to a skinhead gang,
....a bankrupt school and the testerical special police.
.........Next thing they flee to Ragwort CoOp Pool,
........ in a big safe occupied working class area.
.......We play the adventure live through their eyes,
..laughing and lamenting... inventing social revolution.
..The PIF soldiers eventually arrive, to restore capitalist chaos,
............Macker and Maxie are missing, the hunt begins,
....while the spaced out invaders get subverted, corrupted,
..............................swallowed and digested.
Our odd family puzzles with the pieces.. finding a fun lifestyle,
......a coppice farm, and bright ideas for saving The Planet,
but keep your hankies handy, folks.. click on your giant wings,
........................... for the fantastic FLYING finale!