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David Gribble

Cijena: 10,62 € | 80,02 kn

Ubaci u košaricu

David Gribble's last book, Lifelines, was selected as book of the week in the Times Educational Supplement. Tim Brighouse had this to say about it: Books such as this test fundamental beliefs. Do we belong to the libertarian idealistic Left that believes in the fundamental goodness of children? Or are we with the Gradgrind disciplinarian Right, which discounts the 'Don't smile until Christmas' theory of discipline, because it thinks children should never smile? Worlds Apart challenges these basic beliefs once again, providing evidence from the opposing camps and presenting it side by side. The book does not pursue a single argument but instead juxtaposes the two styles of education, firstly in the words of the adutls who expound them and then from the point of view of the young people who experience them. Fourteen pages of photographs vividly illustrate the contrasting nature of the different types of school

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