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Ovdje možete pregledati i naručiti sva izdanja Što čitaš? i izdanja drugih izdavačkih kuća, te majice, bedževe... Sve što se nalazi u webshopu možete pronaći i u našoj knjižari u Zagrebu na adresi Frankopanska 22. Za druge gradove i države narudžbe primamo putem interneta, a prije naručivanja pogledajte uvjete i načine dostave.
Some say that it should not be the highest priority of a revolutionary movement to ask itself obscure questions, but it is fun, and if it encourages an enquiring mind of find out more, then all the better. So agitate, educate and organise, all in a handy question and answer format. Symbolic of the hatchet burying between 'Freedom' and 'Black Flag', this compilation of brain teasers contains questions new and old. With illustrations by Paul Petard.
Izdavač: Freedom Press, London, 2006.
Uvez: meki
Stanje: nova knjiga